Last month on 4th of Asoj, a very terr!fy!ng inc!dent has taken place. At around 9 PM of 3rd of Asoj, lights of the entire Kathmandu valley went off for no reason. But on the next day, 10 b)mbs were found in 10 different schools of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur.
Even though no one was hurt, a fear and terro# was created between not only students, their parents and the teacher but all the people living inside Kathmandu Valley. The people behind such activity were being searched by the police and finally after a month, police have been able to capture the cr!m!nal.
To capture them, the police had to start an operation for about 12 hours. And now it has been revealed that the weapons used during the civil w@r of Nepal by Maoist have also been used during the operation. After thorough investigation with the captured crim!nals, police have declared that Kathmandu is not a safe place.
The report has been presented by Bikash Thapaliya of News 24 Nepal and the entire episode has been uploaded on official YouTube channel of News 24 Nepal.
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